Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! To make sure your email receives a reply in a timely fashion please be sure to address it to the appropriate person in the subject line of your message.

Event (ATTN: Sivan)
Catering: Sivan)
Music (ATTN: Dana)
Sound System (ATTN: Abdel or Loren)

Silvana is an independent Live music venue and we only book independent artists, groups and live bands.

For reservations or other inquiries please call 646-692-4935 during operating hours.

Silvana is located at 300 W. 116th Street
(SW corner of Frederick Douglass Blvd/8th Ave)

There is non-metered street parking in our neighborhood. There is also a parking garage located on W. 115th between Frederick Douglass Boulevard.

Cafe: 8am - 10pm Daily
Bar: 4pm - 4am Daily